Holy Communion - 24 February 2008 - MS Black Watch

Jesus reached out his hand and caught Peter, saying,
"You of little faith, why did you doubt?"

Lord, we believe.
Help us when faith falls short.

HYMN: The great Creator reigns

Come to us, Holy God, as we gather before you;
encircle us with your love.

Bless us with your sustaining presence;
surround us with your grace.

Draw us around your living Word,
and bind us to one another

as disciples of Christ,
whose Spirit is in our midst.

Jesus taught us not to be anxious
about our lives or about tomorrow.
Are there anxieties that cause us to feel separated
from the peace which Christ promises?
Do we feel that our faith
is weak or troubled?

Let us turn to God in prayer.

Holy God,
the storms of life so easily overwhelm us,
we find ourselves on paths we know to be wrong,
and we need your strengthening touch.
Our faith weakens, our resolve fails,
and we need your forgiving touch.
Forgive us and set us free.

Rejoice, people of the Way.
Our past is behind us,
we are free to live new lives,
to be people who are renewed and forgiven.
Rejoice. Again I say,

HYMN: Fierce raged the tempest!

Reading: Matthew 14: 22-33


A Creed

(from les Paroisses Catholiques de Villefranche-sur-Saône,
translated by Janet Laming (alt)

We believe in God our Creator,whose word upholds human life,
for God is life;
whose tenderness longs for the freedom of humanity,
for God is love.

We believe in Jesus, the Word made flesh,
who came to share our life and to lighten our darkness.
Born among the poor, he lived out God's love.
Freely accepting death, he destroyed death.
The risen Christ is the wellspring of life and hope.

We believe in God's Spirit, who brings us to birth
in the life of God, and floods us with strength and gladness
in the struggle to be faithful.

We believe in the Church, servant of all,
bringer of good news,
in whom we witness to God in the world.
We believe in eternal life.

We look for resurrection in the hope of a new world
where all humanity will be one in union with God,
who is now, and is to come for ever.

HYMN: Lord, speak to me that I may speak

Let us pray for the Church of God throughout the world...

O God, hear our prayer,
and in your love, answer.

Let us pray for people who have power and influence,
and for those who govern the nations...

O God, hear our prayer,
and in your love, answer.

Let us pray for people who have no power, no voice,
for victims of natural disasters and of human conflict,
and for all who seek peace and justice...

O God, hear our prayer,
and in your love, answer.

Let us pray for those who are suffering and sorrowful,
and for all who need love and hope...

O God, hear our prayer,
and in your love, answer.

Let us pray for those whose lives on earth have ended
and for all who mourn their passing...

O God, hear our prayer,
and in your love, answer.

Eternal God,
You have filled our lives with your presence.
Help us in our sufferings and trials
and strengthen us in our weakness.

O God, hear our prayer,
and in your love, answer.

Grant to us now, O God, as we come to your table
to share in this most sacred feast,
the companionship of your Spirit,
that we may meet you here.

Through all our life, in good times and bad,
you never leave us nor forsake us.

Through all our life, in good times and bad,
you guide our steps along the way
even when we do not realise it.

So we lift our hearts and spirits to you,
through all our life, in good times and bad.

We gather at this table to remember that
on the night before he died,
Jesus ate supper with his friends.

He took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it,
he broke it and gave it to them, saying:
"Take, eat.
This is my body, given for you.
Each time you do this, remember me."

That same night, Jesus also took a cup,
and after giving thanks, passed it to his friends, saying,
This cup, poured out for you, is the promise of God.
Whenever you drink it, remember me."

So, in remembrance of your mighty acts,
we offer you these your gifts,
and with them ourselves.

Pour upon the poverty of our love
and the weakness of our faith
the transforming fire of your Spirit.

As grain once scattered in the fields,
and grapes once dispersed on the hillside
are now joined together on this table
in bread and wine,
so from all lands may your people
be gathered into one through Christ.

Come, Spirit of God;
may we receive,
through bread and wine
the renewing power of your love.

In the breaking of this bread,
we recognise the brokenness within ourselves.
and we pray for the day
when we shall enter into the wholeness of Christ.

Draw near with faith, and receive Christ in bread and wine.

The Sharing of Bread and Wine

Gracious God, we thank you
that you have drawn near to us
in this holy meal.
May what we have received here
stay with us and free us
from all fear and faithlessness
as we follow you and serve you.

HYMN: Be still, my soul

So may the peace of God,
which is beyond our utmost understanding,
and of far more worth than our human reasoning,
keep guard over us as we weather the storms of life,
now and always.
